Tuesday, March 24, 2009

10 Best Foods For Detoxification

There are many foods that help to naturally cleanse the colon, enhance circulation and rid the body of accumulated toxins. Here is a list of the top ten staples to include in your detox diet

1. Water- Consuming at least 2 liters of water daily will help stimulate your kidneys, liver and digestive system. It will boost your metabolism, accelerating toxin and fat elimination.

2. Seeds- A staple in Asian food, these tasty little seeds protect your liver from the effects of harmful toxins.

3. Beans- All types of beans and lentils, both canned in water or dried, enhance your liver’s ability to rid the body of toxins.

4. Herbal Teas- There are many types of herbal teas, all helpful in detoxing your body. Most are good aids in stimulating digestion, soothing the stomach and enhancing over all bodily function. Choose one or two that you most enjoy and drink it regularly.

5. Garlic- It is a blood cleanser and a natural antibiotic. It even lowers blood pressure.

6. Lemons- Lemons are touted for their ability to detox the liver. The lemon juice improves digestion, thus decreasing the filtering load placed on the liver.

7. Cabbage- This vegetable along with others of its kind (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts etc) support the liver’s ability to cleanse away toxins.

8. Onions- This potent vegetable is very helpful in the elimination of heavy metals from the body.

9. Psyllium- This is a plant very rich is soluble-fiber. Psyllium can be found most commonly in powdered form and is great to include in juice to help reduce your cholesterol and cleanse your colon.

10. Brown Rice- This healthy carb is rich in iodine, potassium and essential minerals. This fiber rich food is easy to digest and leaves you feeling satiated.

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