Endometriosis - what is the cause!
The cause of Endometriosis remains elusive even after years of research. The fact that there are probably over 70 million women in the world who have Endometriosis today, does highlight that this is a modern epidemic. But no-one really knows what is causing this epidemic. There has been much speculation, and many possible ideas have been put forward, but no-one seems to be putting this disease into context.
There is little research being done to assess and map this disease globally; to understand the relationship between social and economic factors; to appraise and chart the environmental influences; to assess the back-grounds of women with Endometriosis to include medical history, cultural influences, up- bringing and so on.
Granted, this would be a huge task, but if samples were done in different parts of the world, then a picture would start to emerge as to why, where, when, and to whom, this was happening. Unfortunately we are back to the problems of finance, and who holds the purse strings regarding funding for research.
Then there is the issue of vested interest. Dishing out drugs to help with the symptoms of Endometriosis is big business. The figures involved globally must be astronomic, and in turn, the profits for pharmaceutical companies is enormous. ‘STALE MATE’ comes to mind.
In the meantime, speculation continues as to the cause of Endometriosis. Some of the theories that have been put forward over the years include:
•Retrograde menstruation - this theory was postulated in the early 1920s by Dr Sampson. He speculated that during menstruation, a certain amount of menstrual fluid flowed backward from the uterus to ‘shower the pelvic organs and pelvis lining’ with endometrium cells. However, studies have shown that many women experience retrograde menstruation but do not go on to develop Endometriosis. In fact, it is thought that 90 percent of women have retrograde menstruation. This theory also fails to explain why Endometriosis can be found in remote areas such as the lungs, breasts, lymph nodes and even the eyes.
•The transplantation theory - That Endometriosis spreads via the circulatory and lymphatic system.
•Latrogenic transplantation - Endometriosis is accidentally transported during surgery. This is highly unlikely today, due to advanced surgical management and it does not account for the presence of the disease in the first place.
•Coelomic Metaplasia - This theory holds that certain cells, when stimulated, can transform themselves into a different kind of cells’, as in women taking estrogen replacement therapy.
•The hereditary theory - Women with family members who have Endometriosis are more likely, or are susceptible to developing the disease. Similar to this theory, is the idea that women can be born with migrant endometrial cells in the pelvic cavity, which in later life can develop into Endometriosis.
•Environmental factors - A great deal of research is clearly highlighting that women who are exposed to environmental toxins are at much greater risk of developing Endometriosis along with other serious health disorders. These toxins include PCBs, DDT and Dioxin, all of which are widely spread throughout the world today. The other major environmental toxins are collectively known as Xenoestrogens. These are compounds and chemicals found in the environment and food chain that react negatively with the natural balance of the body, both male and female, causing a damaging imbalance in the system. (For more details see Healing of Endometriosis)
•Liver disorders - The liver regulates and removes estrogen from the body. If the function of the liver is compromised then serious health problems can emerge, including Endometriosis.
•Auto-immune disorder - Of all the theories being postulated for the cause of Endometriosis, the idea that this disease is an autoimmune disease seems the very likely, credible and feasible. Autoimmune diseases are now widely believed to occur based on genetic predisposition that may be triggered by environmental and other external factors.
Many women with Endometriosis are susceptible to other Autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis and Meniere’s disease. In women who do not have Endometriosis, the stray particles of endometrium are not allowed to survive, they are destroyed by the immune system. In women with Endometriosis a dysfunctional immune system may permit the continuous growth of stray endometrial cells, which then develops into Endometriosis. Interestingly, dioxins have a damaging effect on the human immune system.
Dysfunctions of the immune system are very complex. As well as Auto-immune diseases, there are also Immune System Deficiency diseases, which are divided into 2 categories. - Primary Immune Deficiency diseases and Secondary Immune Deficiency diseases. Endometriosis could just as easily be a Secondary Immune Deficiency disease.
For a more detailed look at Immune System diseases please check -
Autoimmune Disease - is Endometriosis one of them
There seem to be certain risk factors that also weigh-in which will make certain women more vulnerable to developing Endometriosis. Some of these include:
•Estrogen excess/dominance
•High stress levels
•High fat diet - this will increase estrogen levels due to modern farming techniques and drugs used in animal husbandry
•Excess dietary caffeine
•Excess alcohol
•Hormone imbalance
•Essential fatty acid deficiency
•Low fiber diet - which causes estrogen levels to be higher
Many theories continue to be put forward to the cause of Endometriosis. I suspect that there is no one singular cause for the plague known as Endometriosis. It has been a recognized disease going back in history, but nothing on the scale we are seeing today.
It would appear that this disease is acting as a barometer, highlighting the vulnerability of the human body living in a modern, stressful, highly polluted world. It is so unfortunate that it is women who take the brunt of this damage and yet we have so little power and such a small voice, to be able to fight back and address this huge issue.
One of the latest theories to the cause of endometriosis is that it could be caused by an enzyme in the body.